This section will explain how to create and manage users in First, we need create a user in the portal.
1: Navigate to in your web browser.
2: Select "Sign up here."
3: Type in user's first name in "First Name field."
4: Type in user's last name in "Last Name field."
5: Type in user's email address in email field.
6: Agree to the terms of use.
7: Select " Accept and Create Account."
User will then receive an email asking to set up a password.
Next, The MiSP will need to add the new user the client's company profile in
1: Login to a
2: Select the client's Company profile.
3: Select "User/Role Management" from menu.
4: Select Add User.
5: Type in user's first name in "First Name" field.
6: Type in user's last name in "Last Name" field.
7: Type in user's email address in Email field.
8: Click "Save."
9: Navigate to "Role Management."
10: Navigate to a group and select "Assign /Unassign Users to Role."
11: Navigate to the new user and Select the plus button under "Actions."
The next time the user signs into their account, the company should appear in