This section will cover how to set up the CPHive web.config file. First, MiSP will need to temporarily move the "Web.config" file to downloads. This is because windows will not allow to save changes in the wwwroot folder.
1. Navigate and Select "C:" Drive.
2. Navigate and Select "intepub" folder.
3. Navigate and Select "wwwroot" folder.
4. Select CPHive Folder.
5. Point to web.config file.
6. Select "Move to".
7. Select "Downloads".
Next, MiSP will need to update "Web.config" File in "Downloads” Folder
1. Navigate and Select "Downloads" folder.
2. Select "Web" file
3. Change "CounterPointTLD" value with the top level directory path from the CP system.
4. Change "ALIAS" value with the company alias from the CP system.
5. Change "CPUSER" value with a username from a valid CP user.
6. Change "CPPassword" value with an password from valid CP user.
7. Change "CPWorkgroup" value with the valid workgroup number of a CP user.
8. Scroll to "<connectionstring>".
9. Pay attention to "<add name>" portion.
10. Change "User ID" value to a user of the CP Microsoft SQL Server.
11. Change "Password" value to a password of a user of the CP Microsoft SQL Server.
12. Change "Initial Catalog" value to the database name of the CP system.
13. Change "Data Source" value to server name of the CP system.
14 Save file.
Now, MiSP will need to move file back "CPHive"folder
1. Navigate and Select "Downloads" folder.
2. Point to web.config file.
3. Select "Move to".
4. Select "choose location" from dropdown .
5. Navigate to and select "CPHive" folder.
6. Select "Move"
7..Select "Continue".
Web.Config File is now moved back to the “CPHive" folder.