This section will cover how to add shipping methods in
Note: Every shipping method that a client's website will use also needs a corresponding ship code for CP.
1. ship via codes in CounterPoint
2. pay-codes in CounterPoint
3. Payment methods and shipping methods set up in BigCommerce if client is using BC as their e-commerce site
First, The MiSP will need to import the shipping and payment methods from CP and the payment methods from the E-commerce site if client is using Big-Commerce.
1. Log in to
2. Select company profile.
3. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.
4. Select the "Edit" button in CounterPoint subscription.
If client is using BigCommerce as their e-commerce site, The MiSP must also import the payments methods from BC
6. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.
7. Select the "Edit" button in Bigcommerce site.
Next, The MiSP will need to find the ship-via-codes from CounterPoint.
1. Select "Data Management" from menu.
2: Select "Shipping Methods" from menu.
3. Write down the various online ship-via-codes for later use( Note: CP codes are written in uppercase).
Next, The MiSP will need to update the shipping methods translations in the client's BigCommerce subcription.
1. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.
2. Navigate to "BigCommerce" Subscription.
3. Select "Manage Mappings".
4. Select the + button next to " Transaction-BC Order Header-Add Only to
5. Navigate to "BC Order Billing Address To iPaaS"
6. Select "Edit" button
7. Navigate to "ShippingMethod" field.
8. Select "Delete" button.
9. Click "SAVE".
10. Click "APPLY".
11. Select the + button next to " Transaction-BC Deposit Ticket to
12. Navigate to "BC Deposit Ticket Billing Address To iPaaS".
13. Select "Edit" button.
14. Navigate to "ShippingMethod" field.
15. Select "Delete" button.
16. Click "SAVE".
17. Click "APPLY".
18. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.
19. Navigate to "BigCommerce" Subscription.
20. Select "Edit Translation".
21. Navigate to "BC Shipping Method To iPaaS".
22. Select "Edit" button.
23. Navigate to a "ShippingMethod" field.
24. Select "Edit" button.
25. Update "SOURCE" field with the client's ship-via code.
26. Repeat steps 23-25 for the rest of the shipping fields
27. Click "SAVE"..
28.Click "APPLY".
Note: If using Magento as the e-commerce site. Please read "How to add Magento shipping methods" and "How to add Magento payment methods" before proceed to CP payment methods.