The following section will describe how to install to CP Extender. CP Extender provides extra functionality that's not provided in out of the box. For Example, if clients want Gift Card information brought to Magento, Extender could provide that.
2: multiple network ports open on router/server/firewall for CPHive IIS/DNS URL
3: SSL serial # for CPHive IIS/DNS URL
4: Counterpoint User Creditentials
5: SQL server name
6: CP SQL database name
7: SQL admin creditentials(username and password)
8: creditentals with Client access
First , you want add the CP Extender folder to the client's server.
1. Paste the following link into a web browser (
2. Select "Download" button.
3. Open "File Explorer".
4. Navigate to .zip file location.
5. Right-click zip file.
6. Select "Extract all".
7. Select Browse.
8. Navigate to the folder that holds CPHive(Example: C:\Redrook) and click "Select Folder".
9. Select "Extract".
Next, you need to configure the CPExtender web config file.
1. Navigate to extracted CP Extender folder
2. Right-click RR_CPExtensionService.exe config file
3. Open file with Notepad ++, or Notepad
4. Paste in the CPHive IIS/DNS Instance for the URL value area
5. Paste in Network port for the CPHive IIS/DNS Instance in the port value area.(Note: If Client's CP Extender includes image mover, port must be 443.)
6. Paste in SSL cert serial no for the CPHive IIS/DNS Instance in the cert serial no. value area
7. Type in a valid CP username on the CP system for the USR_ID value
8. If Client's CPExtender Install include Gift cards, change CP_GC_ENABLED to "true" ,otherwise keep "false".
9. If Client's CPExtender Install include Loyalty points, change CP_LOY_ENABLED to "true", otherwise keep "false".
10. If Client's CPExtender Install include allowing Loyalty points covert into gift cards, change. CP_LOY_GFC_CONVERT_ENABLED to "true", otherwise keep "false".
11. If Client's CPExtender Install include allowing Loyalty points to expire , change CP_LOY_EXPIRED_ENABLED to "true", otherwise keep "false".
12. Under CounterpointDBContainer, change "Data Source" value to SQL server name.
13. Change "Initial Catalog" value to CP SQL database name.
14. Change User ID value to SQL admin username.
15. Change password value to SQL Admin Password.
16. Save and close file
If Client's project includes "Image Mover", please read "How To Configure Image Mover" for more information. Otherwise, skip this section.
If you decide to use port 443 for CP Extender, it will create a conflict with because HTTPS default port is 443. Therefore, we need to point the CP subcription to another port. (Note: If multiple ports are not open on Router/Server/firewall, Client's IT/network provider will need to open more ports for CPHive IIS/DNS URL)
1. Log in to with username and password.
2. Select client's company.
3. Select "Subscription Management" from menu.
4. Navigate to "Counterpoint" Subscription.
5. Select "Edit".
6. Navigate to CP API URL.
7. Add a new network port after .com(
8. Click "APPLY".
Next , you want to configure and run Install_RR_extensionservice.bat file.
1. Navigate and right click Install_RR_CPExtension.bat file.
2. open with NotePad++. Otherwise, just click open.
3. Modify file path in script to your client's server file location(Example: C:\RedRook\CPExtender_v3-LM\RR_CPExtensionService.exe).
4. Save and close file.
5. Navigate to Windows search box.
6. Type in CMD.
7. Right-click "Command Prompt".
8. Select Run as Administrator.
9. Select "Yes".
10. Change directory to CP Extender folder location(Example Query: CD C:\Users\jdomash\Downloads\CPExtender_v1-Demo\CPExtender_v1-LM).
11. Type in Install_RR_Extension.bat.
12. Click Enter.
Finally, you need to CP Extender Service.
1. Navigate to Windows Search Box.
2. Type in Services.
3. Select Services.
4. Navigate to "Red Rook CPExtender Service -Production".
5. Select Start.
Note: if service doesn't start, please refer to event log for more troubleshooting information.